Welcome to The Speed Of Life Shop where shopping happens at the Speed of Life. Here, I will focus on companies and services that function in real time. Companies like Amazon.com, Sharebuilder.com, TheOxfordClub.com and others are setting industry standards and leading the way in these challenging times.
Occassionally I will rant about forms of business that can’t seem to keep up with The Speed Of Life and tend to do nothing but frustrate us. I won’t mention names but you’ll know and understand. So let’s get right to it.
If you have used the internet in the last eight years you have heard of Amazon.com. They started selling books and music to consumers online and created a standard; 2-day delivery to your door, most of the time. That standard still exists and has helped to make Amazon.com a household name.
Today, they sell everything from books to groceries, which may all be delivered to your door, usually, in two days. If they sold cold beer, we might find people never leaving the house.
In the Post-war era, there were many things that you could get delivered such as milk, eggs, bread, Charles Chips, etc. so it's not such a leap to have everything delivered to your door. Makes sense to me.
So check out Amazon.com and see all the products they offer these days. They also have a way to save on shipping that is cheaper than the gas you would burn driving to the store. Can't beat 'em so might as well join 'em.
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